As a thank you to our loyal fans and subscribers, and in celebration of the success of our first fashion show and the Her Campus BC launch party on Monday night, Rusted Revolution is hosting its first ever giveaway! The prize is from Rusted Revolution’s new store. Is it a fabulous thrifted find? Is it a eco-friendly altered vintage piece? Is it an original handcrafted jewelry item from our new store?

Actually… the prize is a secret, but we assure you that it is awesome. Retail value, $30 +

Here’s what you need to do for a chance to win:

1.) Like Rusted Revolution’s Facebook page

2.) Like Her Campus BC’s Facebook page

3.) Leave a comment on both walls.

And if you’re a fan of one or both already? You’re still eligible. Just make sure that you’ve liked both pages and written on both walls.

Accepting entries until February 10th. Winner announced February 11th.

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