Confident and Carefree: Pick of the Week

I find Adrienne, the BCxRR and BC Sartorialist Pick of the Week, to be truly fashion-forward, ironically, in her decision to wear the most generic accessory of all, the UGG boot. It is normally worn as the finishing touch on a standard North Face jacket, skinny jean, and Longchamp bag combo. The shoe that I find represents the ultimate lack of originality is worn here with a casual ease that it only highlights the unique outfit Adrienne was rocking on the steps of the O’Neill Library this past week. I personally loved her jacket, for although the military jacket is a popular trend, hers is uniquely oversized, unlike most of the more fitted versions seen around campus. Also, I could not agree more with Alex’s sentiment, “Those shades are ill.”



Alex explained how he “was drawn to the confident laid-backness of Adrienne’s outfit and demeanor.”  His favorite aspect of her outerwear choice was the way “the sleeves of her hoodie are exposed thanks to the perfect rolling of her jacket sleeves. Dope.” He liked that her pants had “some cool light-wash action going on there if you look close.” Finally, his comments on her UGG boots really tie together how he thinks Adrienne was able to combine different “elements” with a carefree yet conscious effort such that the result couldn’t be anything but stylish. “And here’s the kicker- she’s rocking Uggs! I never expected to take a photo of someone with Uggs but here’s living proof that they can work, and I think they do. I like the mid-cut of them rather than the higher ones. And Adrienne’s are pretty worn, so they fit well with the other elements of her look.” Thank you, Alex, for your contribution to this piece. Stay stylish, Adrienne. Check back this weekend for the next BCxRR and BC Sartorialist Pick of the Week!

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