The JFK Library Event!

While most people think the number 13 is unlucky, Boston College’s class of 2013 definitely does not.  Why are we so special?  We are the Sesquicentennial class, the 150th class to graduate from Boston College.  That’s HUGE!  So what do we do to recognize our notoriety?  We celebrate, of course!

Debi, Myself, and Amelia

This year, we we dined in style at the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum in Boston.  This amazing establishment is built right on the water with full, breathtaking views of the entire downtown Boston skyline at night.

John F. Kennedy Historical Library and Museum in Boston, MA

Not only constructed in the perfect location, it contains some of the most interesting history, articles, and information about John F. Kennedy: his campaign, his presidency, and, not to mention his beautiful style icon wife, Jackie.

John and Jackie Kennedy (via Jeans and Tees and Travel and Cakes)

After spending about an hour touring the library and museum, catching up with friends, and taking pictures, we were guided to an enormous event hall for a delicious 4-course meal.


After dinner, the famous Fr. Michael Himes spoke about being good citizens and finding our “paths” in life.  Humorous, lighthearted, and inspirational as always, it was a perfect way to end the evening.

Just one of the amazing views

Based on how much fun this year’s dinner was (not to mention last year’s event at the Science Museum), I cannot wait for all of the events they have planned next year!

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