Happy Halloween!

Wishing everyone a spooky and safe Halloween today, with some special love going out to all of our East Coast friends, family and fans who have to deal with the biggest scare of the season, Sandy.  Here’s one of our favorite costumes from a Halloween 2 years back at Boston College, when Halloween used to … Continue reading

Her Campus College Fashion Week

As you may have already seen us hint at on Facebook and Twitter, we are involved with the first ever Her Campus College Fashion Week! The major event, sponsored by U by Kotex, will be held in four stylin’ cities — Boston, Ann Arbor, Raleigh, and Santa Barbara! Keep an eye out for some of … Continue reading

Gems on Gems – Pick of the Week!

Coco Chanel is famous not just for her physical contributions to the world of fashion. She is also well-known for her gems of style wisdom. A common favorite quote expresses Chanel’s minimalist style: “Before leaving the house, a lady should stop, look in the mirror and remove one piece of jewelry.” As much as I … Continue reading

It’s All in the Details – Pick of the Week!

The BC Sartorialist and I were in unanimous agreement when it came to choosing the BCxRR Pick of the Week- Giuliana Zaccardelli. I met this lovely lady during my Freshman Orientation, as we shared the same suite in Vanderslice Hall. She makes a strong first impression with her fun, bright clothes and neatly bobbed haircut. I … Continue reading

Confident and Carefree: Pick of the Week


I find Adrienne, the BCxRR and BC Sartorialist Pick of the Week, to be truly fashion-forward, ironically, in her decision to wear the most generic accessory of all, the UGG boot. It is normally worn as the finishing touch on a standard North Face jacket, skinny jean, and Longchamp bag combo. The shoe that I … Continue reading

Guest Post: “Reflections on Commuting” by Ann Byrne

If you’ve ever had to travel from Point A to Point B on a regular basis for work or school, congratulations, you’ve experienced the plight of the modern man: commuting.  Whether it’s planes, trains or automobiles (or bikes, boards or feet), commuting is something that most of us have done or will be doing at … Continue reading

BCxRR and the BC Sartorialist Join Forces!

The dreary grey weather of this current week only seems to serve as a harsh reminder of the gloriously warm weather we were teased with last week. The sunshine induced many Boston College students to lay out in the sunshine, “work”, and show off their new spring outfits. Luckily, Alex Lee, the noted BC Sartorialist, … Continue reading

We make love with words. I mean to words. Either way, this wasn’t what I meant to say…

We make love with words. I mean to words. Either way, this wasn’t what I meant to say. Next time you’re in the library, a classroom, or even a bathroom stall, notice some of the things people write and reflect on them…many are truly beautiful. xoxo, Caitlin

We don’t just drool over fashion…

This week, I decided to be adventurous.  I decided that I was going to branch out and get more creative in every aspect of my life, from my own personal style to the way I organize my closet.  One of the ways this manifested itself is through my grocery shopping and cooking experiments.  I’m determined … Continue reading

Dressing for Success: It’s Interview Week

The first few weeks back at school in January can be a kind of extended “internship hell week” for students, especially juniors. Having gotten a taste of the internship hunt last year as a sophomore, I am back this year with my game face on. Last week was full of information sessions, interview preparation (BC’s Career … Continue reading