Gems on Gems – Pick of the Week!

Coco Chanel is famous not just for her physical contributions to the world of fashion. She is also well-known for her gems of style wisdom. A common favorite quote expresses Chanel’s minimalist style: “Before leaving the house, a lady should stop, look in the mirror and remove one piece of jewelry.” As much as I … Continue reading

It’s All in the Details – Pick of the Week!

The BC Sartorialist and I were in unanimous agreement when it came to choosing the BCxRR Pick of the Week- Giuliana Zaccardelli. I met this lovely lady during my Freshman Orientation, as we shared the same suite in Vanderslice Hall. She makes a strong first impression with her fun, bright clothes and neatly bobbed haircut. I … Continue reading

BCxRR and the BC Sartorialist Join Forces!

The dreary grey weather of this current week only seems to serve as a harsh reminder of the gloriously warm weather we were teased with last week. The sunshine induced many Boston College students to lay out in the sunshine, “work”, and show off their new spring outfits. Luckily, Alex Lee, the noted BC Sartorialist, … Continue reading