Coachella Day Three

We couldn’t have asked for better weather on Day Three of Coachella’s first weekend. It was a glorious 80 something degrees, so naturally, the four of us (Lesley, Lucy, Paulina, and Celby) made the most of the pool that morning. After munching on nummy snacks and sipping down a little pre-noon cocktail we were off … Continue reading

Gems on Gems – Pick of the Week!

Coco Chanel is famous not just for her physical contributions to the world of fashion. She is also well-known for her gems of style wisdom. A common favorite quote expresses Chanel’s minimalist style: “Before leaving the house, a lady should stop, look in the mirror and remove one piece of jewelry.” As much as I … Continue reading

Tutti Fruitti

I was shopping for a few pieces to bring with me to California last week, so naturally I found myself in Topshop aka my weekend home. Thanks to my friend Paulina, I found myself buying the crazy party pants you see me wearing in the photos below. I paired these Topshop Lime Tropical Cigarette Trousers … Continue reading

Contemporary Meets History

I was privileged to spend the majority of a Chicago History Museum work day (usually filled with website updating, blog posting, online publishing, and furious social media campaigning) in the exhibition galleries and event space for a high fashion photo shoot. Michigan Avenue Magazine rented out Museum space for the day to photograph an editorial … Continue reading